Face Yoga

A sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, staying indoors for long hours under artificial light and air-conditioning, lack of sleep, can all speed up the ageing process of our body and mind. The tell-tale signs are always visible on the face. They will appear as dull and sagging skin, double chin drooping eyelids and so on. Our modern day gadgets like the computer and the especially the mobile phones (which makes us look down for hours) add to the problem.

A physically active lifestyle with healthy dietary habits can combat these issues to some extent. If you can add a few minutes of FACE AND VISION YOGA to your routine, the results are appreciably higher with naturally glowing, youthful skin, toned cheeks and neck muscles.

How does Face Yoga work?

The muscles of the face are no different from the rest of the body. When we do not exercise the body, the muscles become weak and flabby. The same thing happens to the face over time. Many of the facial muscles lie dormant and grow weak over the years. Face Yoga works by activating the muscles of the face by stretching and strengthening them. It is like Power Yoga/ resistance training for your facial muscles!

This will help improve the blood circulation and oxygen supply to the face, allowing it to regenerate the skin cells, making the skin tighter and removing the visible signs of ageing. Engaging the facial muscles helps to keep the refreshed and relaxed and helps to tone the muscles of the face regardless of your age.

  • Face Yoga uses acupressure at vital points on the forehead to remove tension. A relaxed face will prevent wrinkles and worry lines on the forehead. 
  • Neck firming exercises will tone and tighten the neck and jaw muscles and help remove unwanted fat from the neck are preventing double chin and giving you a well-defined jawline.
  • Certain facial exercises help to smoothen the nasolabial folds or laugh lines.
  • Working the muscles of your cheeks, puffing and pushing them up against gravity gives the face a lifted and firmer look.
  • Drooping eye lids is another common sign of ageing. Face Yoga exercises can smooth out the fine lines, remove puffiness and folds near the eyes.
  • Advanced Face yoga exercises effectively engages the all the face and neck muscles activating the cheeks, mouth and neck area. The result is a toned and well-defined facial features with radiant skin!

There are approximately 52 muscles in the face and neck. Activating them regularly will not only make your skin glow and your facial features more defined, it will also relieve eye and neck strain and tension, making you more relaxed and better focused on your task at hand.

The practice of Sukshma Yoga or Face Yoga, are easy to follow exercises that will open up the subtle energy channels in your body, making a discernible difference in the way you look and feel.

 These simple facial exercises can be done anywhere at any time. Face Yoga requires no preparation, no equipment and therefore is a safe, low-cost, and non-invasive way to have a face that radiates energy and youthfulness.

Like any other form of exercise, you need to commit yourself to the routine to see positive and lasting results. We suggest Face Yoga, for 5 -6 days a week for 20 – 30 minutes each day. To supplement your anti- ageing facial exercises, we recommend some cardio workout three times a week, 7 -8 hours of sleep and a balanced diet with good servings on seasonal vegetables and fruits. Pranayama or yogic breathing technique is a great practice in itself for physical and mental well-being and is an invaluable addition to any kind of workout   

 Face Yoga is the safe, simple and 100% natural alternative to anti-ageing remedies. 

                                                             VISION YOGA

Most adults spend over 4 hours starting at a digital screen…working professionals spend over eight hours staring at a computer, smartphone, television or other gadgets. Our eyes were not made for look at things from such close proximity continuously. The increase in screen time has also increased eye problems like itchy and watery eyes, blurred vision, headaches, double vision and so on. The strain on the eye muscles has increased exponentially. According to a report published by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, approximately half the world’s population will suffer from short-sightedness by the year 2050. Eyes are the most over-used and abused of our five sense organs. 

You already know that Yoga asanas are designed to improve the functioning of our organs. Yoga also has a series of exercises that can improve the functioning of the eyes. These simple exercises can help to overcome the daily strain and pressure that the eyes go through and has even proven beneficial in improving the vision.

Simple eye Yoga exercises like blinking, palming,  eyeball rotations and vision shifting can relieve the strain and  make your eyes  healthier and stronger.     

Many age related vision problems occur due to the gradual loss of flexibility and tone in the muscles of the eye. Practice of Vision Yoga for 10 – 15 minutes can keep your eyes safe from such problems.

According to Yogic practice, the benefits of these exercises go beyond preserving the health of the eye. They also have a profound impact on the mind. There is a strong correlation between the eyes and the mind. It is said that vision uses more than 40% of the brain’s capacity. Four out of the twelve cranial nerves are used exclusively for vision. Healthy vision and eye health is important to keep your mind focused. 

It is not only these stretching and toning eye exercises that are important for the health of your eye. Yoga prescribes relaxation as the most important component of eye health.   After the Vision Yoga routine, practitioners should lie down in Shavasana (Corpse pose) for a few minutes and relax your body and mind completely. 


Trataka or the eye cleansing exercise finds mention in the Upanishads, Yogic texts and Ayurveda. It is done to stimulate the alochaka pitta, the energy centre related to vision. According to Ayurveda, Trataka practice will help in decreasing mental sluggishness and sharpen the intellect.

Traditionally Trataka is practiced using a candle or flame as the point of focus. You can focus on any object or a dot on the wall. Train your eyes to concentrate of the point of focus without blinking until the eyes start watering. Then close your eyes and try to visualise the image of the object in your mind for as long as possible. This exercise will improve your focus and concentration and help in meditation also. In short these asanas will improve your eye health, increase your concentration and enhance your spiritual insights. 

Yoga recommends regular exercise and a balance diet to increase the benefits of Vision Yoga practice

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