Corporate Yoga
Corporate Yoga

YogUrja has been conducting Yoga workshops for  Corporates and Government organizations for the last 21 years and has trained over 57,000 employees in  Corporate and Government Organisations.

Work related stress is a growing problem around the world. Hectic work schedules, sedentary desk jobs, long working hours, multi-tasking, deadlines, targets, competition combined with long commutes,  irregular eating habits, disturbed sleep cycles create a pool of  employees who are mentally and physically stressed. Exposure to such pressures for a long period of time can lead to hypertension, sleeplessness, backaches, migraines among other issues. It will not only affect a person’s   efficiency and productivity at work but also impact life beyond the workplace.

The tightened muscles, frayed nerves and a tired mind, all need relaxation.  Given your busy life, it might be difficult to add a fitness program into your schedule.

  Yoga is your answer to stress because it is a mind, body and soul workout. The physical postures (asana), breathing techniques (pranayama), relaxation and meditation together will work holistically to calm your mind, heal your body and make you a more relaxed and energetic person! 

 YogUrja’s   wellness program Yoga@workplace is best suited for you as we bring the workout right to your desk. The simple and easy to follow exercises can be done at your desk, during your commute or even at home while watching  television. Our programs can be implemented without  any other resources like a mat, props or a large space. All you need is a willing mind and your body!

WHAT WE OFFER : YogUrja offers the Yoga@workplace program, in which we modulate a series of asanas and breathing techniques best suited to your work and lifestyle. In our specially designed yoga sessions, you can experientially learn to correct your posture, improve your flexibility, lose weight, calm your mind and strengthen your body to help you deal better with stress.

WHY DO YOU NEED IT : The human body is designed for movement 

  • Sitting for long hours continuously can decrease flexibility and mobility. 
  • This leads to joint pain, muscle tightness and poor posture 
  • Lowers your metabolic rate and can lead to obesity and lifestyles diseases
  • Late nights, long hours of travel and inadequate sunlight all lead to physical and mental stress

 HOW CAN WE HELP: Our Asana, Pranayama, Bandha and Mudra series will help:

  • Alleviate head, neck and back strain.
  • Reduce and Prevent Carpel tunnel Syndrome
  • Improve posture and flexibility
  • Increase your strength and balance
  • Burn fat and tone muscles
  • The breathing techniques gives the lungs more space to breathe thus improving oxygen supply to the body
  • Improves blood circulation allowing your heart, lungs and muscles to work efficiently 
  • Simple twists, bends and inversion postures can speed up the elimination of waste from the body, improve immunity and  help  tone muscles
  •  Improves your mood and mindfulness 
  • Build focus and concentration

Enhanced energy and concentration will lead to better performance and productivity at work and in your personal life.

YogUrja’s Face Yoga is also added to our Corporate workshops as we believe that a glowing face is an index of a fit and confident self!

Our  facial yoga has a real and lasting effect on the face as it

  • Detoxifies by increasing blood flow and oxygen supply to the surface.
  • Tightens muscles and prevents sagging of the chin, cheeks and the eye area

The result is a well- defined facial structure and a natural healthy glow on your face always! 

Vision Yoga is another addition to our Corporate series. Working for long hours on electronic devices, result in tired, burning and itchy eyes. Many of the age – related eye problems occur due to the gradual loss of flexibility and tone in the muscles the eye.

We include simple eye exercises that can be done at anytime, anywhere to

  • Soothe your tired eyes
  • Improve and maintain the muscle tone and flexibility in the eye
  • Most importantly it helps to keep your mind calm and stress free

Regular practice of Yoga can reduce risk factors for chronic lifestyle conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes and also help to deal better with pain, anxiety and depression. Make Yoga a part of your corporate life for a pain and stress free life!

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